Copying Files to Mikrotik Router using SSH

Copying Files to Mikrotik Router using SSH

Copying Files to a MikroTik Router Using SSH

If you're working with MikroTik routers, you might need to transfer files to the router for configuration or updates. One efficient way to do this is using SSH. Here’s a quick guide on how to copy files to your MikroTik router via SSH:

1. Prepare Your Files

Ensure the files you need to transfer are ready and located in a convenient directory on your local machine.

2. Access Your MikroTik Router via SSH

You’ll need an SSH client to connect to your MikroTik router. If you’re using a Unix-based system (like Linux or macOS), you can use the built-in terminal. For Windows users, you might use a tool like PuTTY.

  1. Open your terminal (or SSH client).
  2. Connect to your MikroTik router using SSH

    ssh admin@<router-ip-address>

    Replace <router-ip-address> with the actual IP address of your MikroTik router. The default username is usually admin, but make sure to use the correct username if it’s different.
  3. Enter your password when prompted.

3. Use SCP to Transfer Files

SCP (Secure Copy Protocol) allows you to copy files to and from your router securely.

  1. Open a new terminal window on your local machine (do not close the existing SSH session if you want to keep it open).
  2. Use the scp command to transfer your files:

    scp /path/to/local/file admin@<router-ip-address>:/path/on/router

    Replace /path/to/local/file with the path to your file on your local machine, and /path/on/router with the directory on your MikroTik router where you want to place the file.

    Example: scp ~/Downloads/my-config.rsc admin@

    This command copies my-config.rsc from your local Downloads folder to the /files/ directory on your MikroTik router.

4. Verify File Transfer

  1. Back in your SSH session on the MikroTik router, navigate to the directory where you copied the file:
    cd /files/
  2. List the files to confirm the transfer:
    ls -l
    You should see your file listed.

5. Apply or Use the File

Depending on what the file is for, you might need to execute or apply it. For instance, if it’s a script or configuration file:

import file=my-config.rsc

Note: Be cautious with file permissions and paths to ensure the file is correctly placed and accessible.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Check Network Connectivity: Ensure there are no network issues between your local machine and the router.
  • Verify File Path: Double-check the paths you’re using to avoid errors.
  • Ensure Proper Permissions: Make sure you have the necessary permissions to write to the target directory on the router.

Using SSH and SCP for file transfers simplifies router management tasks and keeps your configuration and updates streamlined. Happy networking!